TF-104 Hasegawa 1/48

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Mislim ...imam ja svasta da zamerim,al nemam sad vremena da nabrajam. Spremi lepo 100 jevreja pa cu u pismenoj formi da ti dostavim sta treba da izmenis. Zar si mislio za DZ?
vrhunski to sve izgleda,aj sad zavrsavaj tu maketu polako!


"Smart you must be... Try not. Do or Do not... There is no try"-YODA


 :god :god Ovo je savrseno samo se  :think koga su ovde kidnapovali  vanzemaljci . A ovih dana je pojacana i potraznja za stirenom lepu si mi reklamu napravio.


 :o :o :god ovo je po meni savrseno odradjeno :god
EXTRA!!! :bravo
Tako je hangar i ostalo odlicno,i detaljno uradjeno :o
Svaka cast!!

Pozdrav :cheers


 :mjetal :bravo :god :super :o

Јесам ли рекао довољно...?

Само напред, једва чекам још слика!

Nenad Pozega

joj sto volim da vidim kada neko ovako radi makete a nas, nije neki stranac!!!!! :bravo moracu da izbacim moj TF 104 pre nego sto ti zavrasis, jer posle nece imati smisla.... :)  :cheers


brate  :god gvaka čast, hangar izgleda bruka dobro, kao pravi... samo napred care :cheers
pozdrav niko


Quote from: Milan18111 on 07-09-2011, 20:54:26
Posle krace pauze ,nastavih sa radovima na Starfajteru. Ustvari ,vise na hangaru nego na samoj maketi. Hangar sam "poplocao"stirenom nabavljenim od Duska sa foruma,izlepio super-lepkom i spremio za farbanje....

Prethodno sam skalpelom simulirao naprsline na betonupa sam ofarbao raznim mesavinama  svih mogucih sivih boja koje sam imao.Belom sam odradio,mestimicno, filter preko sive....
The whole construction, reminded me of something. The scenic, the windows, the door, the power lines, the tarmac, even the painted yellow lines on floor. Well, that is what I call "Déjà Vu"  ;D

Goran A.

Similar but not the same, I am sure that it was inspirational for Milan. Mr. Salessiotis amazed me at his excellent work.


and it is very possible that Milan will build Hellenic AF Starfighter so it is a great reference for NATO workshop ;)


So, what's tha catch here, huh?
Are we doing any plane/scenery/armory/whatever by reference or by heart! I guess we all use references, and the net is endless source of references and inspiration.

I could only say I would not be able to perform almost any of tasks Master Milan is doing here. In addition to that, he is adding value to this forum by his perfect, almost artistic work we are all admire. So, nothing could change this, if you ask me!

I could only cheer him to proceed with perfect job. Good for him, and, as I said, it is good for whole forum community.



i will be more than happy to make something like that.
even if take any of that two like a absolute and only referens.
will not mind to be clone of ither of that two work!!!
like them both to the bone!



Ne bih da sudim ali meni se ova domaca izrada mnogo vise dopada, mislim da je mnogo detaljnije uradjen Vas F-104 ovaj Grcki Vazduhoplov je nesto musav ali nije los.
Za hangar samo reci hvale fantastican rad dokle je stiglo jel gotova scena??