2S1 Gvozdika

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Let's start.

In this thread I will show how to do bad SKIF model better. I used this walkarround:

The hull comes in 12 pieces, and that is very comfortable. But according to drawing the geometry and dimentions are correct. All small components were removed.

Трудим се да покаже шта може урадити са Скиф модела 2С1, користећи пластике и добре фотографије. Желим да се каранфил српске војске на Косову или Војске Републике Српске у Босни, још нисам одлучио.

As you can see here I did a headlight niche walls thiner

Онда сам радио на нише за лампе - направљен са танким зидовима


then were done hinges of motor hatche and cowls for air pipes

Also was done a new wave dashboard

Управо направио нови талас штит


The other pass - work with hull


Nice work with details and awesome walk-around, a lot of pictures. Thanks
Mercenaries never die, they just go to hell to regroup!


Great work! I'm doing the same one atm and i know what pain in the ass this one is. I have a couple of questions tho. Why didn't u rearanged suspension arms? Correct way is 4+2 from the front to the rear, but almost nobody does it. the other issue i have with the shape of the exhaust, wich starts more narrow and pointed rather than broad and flat. Beside those u did excellent job with this. Looking forward for new posts, cheers


Quote from: ziggy on 30-12-2011, 10:53:35
Nice work with details and awesome walk-around, a lot of pictures. Thanks

Хвала вам, walk одличан, веома користан у раду са моделом.


Quote from: mrgud on 30-12-2011, 11:23:15
Great work! I'm doing the same one atm and i know what pain in the ass this one is. I have a couple of questions tho. Why didn't u rearanged suspension arms? Correct way is 4+2 from the front to the rear, but almost nobody does it. the other issue i have with the shape of the exhaust, wich starts more narrow and pointed rather than broad and flat. Beside those u did excellent job with this. Looking forward for new posts, cheers
Да, то је моја грешка. I found out it when the chasis was finished.

I decided to dy grid under the radiator by myself


и даље на блог -  тако сам преправљао куле (turret)


Then I mounted the canon and trucks of MasterClub

Here is the general view


Dear serbian friends, now I need your help. I have only 3 photos of Gvozdika in VRS service, and some more from VS in Kosovo. Can you help me with protos? And I don't know the color of serbian military vehicles. 


Желим да кажем хвала за Милош Драгослалевич који је помогао да нађем прототип модела.


Почнем да припреми модел за сликање.

