P-51 Mk.iii u 1/48 od ICM

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@anki nema problema razumeo sam sta ste hteli reci. Pokusao sam skroz da skinem celo staklo ali bezuspesno malo sam ocistio i ofarbao preko vise slovjeva tanke farbe sada super izgleda. Na zadnjim prozorima mi lepak malo napravio problem jer sam nakdnano stavio malo jer nije bilo dovoljno.
Radim cetkicama cockpit jer mi je dosta lakse nego da stavljam masku nije da nisam pokusao jedino sto sam se inzervirao na tom ispupcenom delu pa sam maskirao celo.
Slikacu uskoro kupio sam hamer papir pa saljem.  :cheers


Kabina nije bila cink hromat nego britanska zelena...


@Lykos prefarbavali na americkim avionima?Cisto sumnjam.



"RAF Mustang III's (P51B/C) had the same interior colours as the USAAF aircraft. The entire cockpit was finished in Interior Green, with the seat either in Medium Green or Olive Drab. The instrument coaming/shroud was dark green. later Olive Drab.
The wheel wells were clear laquered bare aluminium, with the exception of the outer face of the main spar, forming the rear 'wall' of the wheel bays (not the gear-leg well), which was yellow zinc chromate. The clear laquer was also applied to the inner faces of the wheel well and gear leg doors.
However, if the aircraft had passed through a M.U., or a (U.S) B.A.D., it is possible, though not definite, that the wheel wells may have received a coat of green zinc chromate. As with most aircraft types, there were variations, but the above is as near 'standard' as it is possible to ascertain.
This information has been confirmed to me by a former RAF pilot who flew Mustang III's, IV's and IVa's (P51K) during WW2."


@anki Jesmo... Ali mislim da se to nece ni u najmanjoj meri videti kroz zatvorenu kabinu i ICM-ov staklic!
@Sandman Aha, eto i ja sam mislio kao kolega Lykos, al eto razjasnjenja!
"Nije važno šta se radi, vazno je da se preteruje pa će negde već da izbije!"....Miksi-"GYM-Š"

Goran A.

Teoretski, američki avioni namenjeni RAF-u su farbani bojama proizvedenim u USA čije su nijanse po recepturi odgovarale britanskom standardu. Tako je bilo u prvih par godina rata a kasnije, da se priča pojednostavi, britanske nijanse su zamenjene najsličnijim iz američkog ANA standarda. Tako bi trebalo da bude.



Napravicu malo postolje za njega. Ram rucno pravim jer sam nasao neke lepe daske u ostavi pa da se nebace za potpalu.
Cockpit ako vidite uradio sam dva sloja sive pa dva sloja zelene u instrukcijama je pisalo da treba da bude sivo unutra pa sam ga tako i ofarbao sa pilotem za koga sam se dosta potrudio. 
Ponovo se zahvaljujem na nekim informacijama sledeci put cu malo vise da istrazujem po internetu, a i ranije cu obavestitim.


 :super Samo radi, odlicno ti ide!


In the beginning, the P-51 was built exclusively to the British specifications. In the Mustang Mk. I production, North American reportedly used colours that were substitutes of the official colours of the RAF.

When the P-51B came about, it was probably painted Dull Dark Green throughout the cockpit.

The June 1944 Structural Repair Manual for all version of the P-51 calls for overall Interior Green in the cockpit, in the area extending from the instrument panel to the back of the canopy. An exception from the rule was that areas not normally visible required no finish coat. Instrument panel was specified as Instrument Black.

According to the same source, pilot's seat and the anti-glare forward decking were to be painted Dull Dark Green. However, there are clues indicating that this colour may not have been used on any on the items. Based on the inspection of preserved aircraft, Dana Bell claims that at least some of the seats of the P-51 were painted Bronze Green rather than Dark Dull Green. Likewise, many wartime colour photographs consistently show Olive Drab in the anti-glare area.

Another subject of long-going controversy is the colour of the cockpit floor, which in P-51 was made of plywood. Erection and Maintenance instructions for the P-51D specify all wood floor areas to be covered in black non-skid surfacer purported to be a mix of silica sand and matt black paint, the kind of finish that was also used for wing walks. Metal floor areas were to be left in bare metal finish.

The December 1944 update of Erection & Maintenance Manual for the P-51D follows the same description with the exception of anti-glare decking inside the canopy which was to be painted black.

Similarly to other aircraft types, the camouflaged P-51 most probably had wheel wells painted in Neutral Grey. On later-production natural metal aircraft, the wheel wells were Interior Green. Additional piping and wiring inside the wheel well area was painted in Aluminium lacquer.


Meni to sve rekla kazala.Nema ni veze samo nemoj u zuto da bojis i ok  :hahaha Pa stvarno.Cim krenu kontroverze te bio ovo bilo ono,pa tesko da se provali,radis ono sto tebi najlogicnije.Mozda s pocetka nisu ni prefarbavali,vec 1944 moguce da jesu.Nisu leteli oni od tad.Svakako ne volim da radim invazione sare ovoliko opsezno pa da sakriju kamuflazu te onda trebalo bi raditi po standardu iz ovog texta.


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