Rackham, Griffin Exorcist 28mm

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The squad of Purifiers entered the vast hall in which strange machines were humming softly. The Exorcist who was with them turned to them and spoke.
"Yes, I can feel the presence of the mind the Venerable has told me about. It is incredibly powerful. So powerful that alone I couldn't..."
A titan of flesh and steel appeared from its hiding place and rushed in the warrior of Merin's direction, who didn't have the time to unsheathe his sword before being thrown against a table covered with test tubes. His companions pulled out their firearms and Merin's thunder invaded the room... The bullet-riddled creature collapsed with a loud howl. Like an echo, an animal-like clamour rose from the depths of the laboratory. The Exorcist got up with difficulty and hammered his fist on the table.
"Yes, I will find the strength to defeat it. Let's purify this evil lair!"

Prva figura koju sam obojio metalic bojama za sebe, posle godinu i po dana... Nije bas ispalo zadovoljavajuce, tako da cu se svakako drzati NMM-a :)


A taman sam hteo da pitam da li je i ovo jos jedna od "onih" figura koje su "osrednje" ofarbane... :)

More.... D:) >:D :D ;D


Meni nije jasno kako ih ofarbate i "ozivite" i kad su velike, a tek od 28mm.....

Jel' to pod lupom radite, aman, a sirote oci...

Super figura, super farbanjcija, kazi samo, metalik boje - nesto novo ili su samo metalik za oklop?


Ne radim pod lupom :)

Sto se tice matallic boja... Najobicnije metallic, tipa boltgun metal, silver i sl... Doduse, ovde je koriscen samo Chainmail (nesto izmedju boltgun metal i silver)...
I, da, koriscene su samo na oklopu :)