Luson island 1945

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 Hello my friends  :)
here's is a diorama that I have started last July and I'm still working it....It's about the disparate Japanese defense at Luson Island during 1945 few months before the nuclear bombs.
Luson island is a natural fortification due the rock mountains full of caves but there is a huge jungle in the middle of island. There into the jungle Japaneses were fighting for weeks using heavy artillery and self propelled anti-tank guns.
First of all I started with diorama's base

I covered the edges to don't destroy them by paintings or mud
First I glued a piece of polyfoam on the base and shaped it by a lighter's flame (from distance). This helped also to make a thick and strong surface to glue all the other things over. Then I used pieces of wood (balsa) to make a small ruined house (typical of Polynesia)

These houses have a bamboo's rattan for I used a piece of natural bamboo's rattan from a summer car's seat cover

After these steps I applied all over around the base a thick mixture of MIG pigment + White glue + cats' sand + just few drops of water + putty




Next step was the jungle's fallen down foliage. I used a mixture of aromatic species like oregano + basil + thyme +  rose marine

After 2-3 days I started putting the jungle's lower plants

next were the mid size plants and the tall palm trees



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and the last photos before next stage....

.....which is the tank  ;) ;)
I decided to use the old Tamiya's "Ho-Ni" kit as the most used self propelled guns at Luson were this type
first I was sanding for hours the plastic

Slowly the tank became Ok

but some parts were needed a little more work



What is the name of this Jap tank,what typ it is?

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Thank you Hawkeye my friend  ;) ;)
........"Ho-Ni" isn't ready yet....I must change the trucks by new from Friullmodel + paint the exhausts' meshes e.t.c.

so as I'm still waiting the new metal trucks I bought some Japanese's figures from Fine Molds + Warriors

and this is the situation right now.....

figures + tank aren't glued yet  ;) ;)


"Hawkeye" my friend it's Tamiya's "Type 97 Ho-Ni S.P.G."  ;)
"Messerschmitt" my friend I try to make it like real  :) ;) ;) Thank you  ;)


Looking great so far!
My favourite theatre of operations.

Little suggestion: maybe you could bend a little one of these palmes? They looks too parallel to me.
Hope you understand what I mean..

Anyway, to add some dramatic and get extra inspiration, listen this thing during the work:

Best regards!
Белая aрмия - Чёрный барон


Ah i see now that it is an SPG,thanks for the info pal.Have you ever seen the jap armor in 1/72 scale?

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Generally speaking, I don't see japanese ww2 armor very often so it's really refreshing to see something like this.
As usualy, amazing work RS. I unpatiently wait to see the final result. ;)

Baldrick: Don't worry, my Lord, I followed DaVinci's instructions to the letter.
Blackadder: Even if you can't actually read.
Baldrick: That's right, but I have done a lot of Airfix models in my time.


Thank you again my friends  :)
"hayabusa" my friend I understand what you mean and you are right  ;) This effect you can see it very often close to the beaches due the fresh air from the sea  ;) ;)
"Hawkeye" hmmm japan armor in 1/72  ::) ::)  I am sure that there are 1-2 early japanese tanks (based on french FT-17) in 1/72 by R.P.M. but other type of tanks  ::) ::) ::)  in plastic  ::) ::) Made by resin there are hundreds from ALBY + MMS but it's very difficult to find them...only through e-shops from England
"Boki" my friend I agree that japanese items are rare because model companies doesn't produced them. Here in Greece all modelers say that the market is full of German W.W. II + Vietnam era models (at least in 1/35 scale). Even U.S.A. army W.W. II items you can't find....thanks to Dragon now someone can find U.S.A. solders and thanks to Fine Molds japanese armor + figures.....Now with the new items by Dragon + Mini Art like italian solders (El Alamein era) we hope to see new gamma figures 


Thanks friend for that info  :D !

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