Savoia Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero JKRV

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I agree with Gasha. If it's not too late, just spray some darker brown over the brown mottle.  :)
'Once you get locked into a serious Model Master enamel collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.'


Nice project. Very studiously work.
I like Italian camouflage. I am waiting to see how it looks at the end of work.

Sorry, I had to move a whole topic in to a new place on the forum - name "Project in a progress". (Galerije/Projekti u radu/Avioni, helikopteri)
When it will be finished, please, open a new topic in "Finished project - Aircraft" (Galerije/Zavrsene makete/Avioni, helikopteri) and put  new photos of Your model there.



Very nice work mate. I like especially details touch up... Just little more brown on camouflage and it will be like real thing :)
Continue with posting pics of work!
Meda :)


Brothers, thank you for your comments! Kerber there is no problem my friend! :super Everyone says that about the brown so I think I will darken it... :headbang Anyway I will keep informing you! :caooo


Be careful, just a " little" more brown. Not to much.


I tried to get the best photo but it does not show the full result. Anyway, this is what I got now:

I think it's OK, as I used a bit darker brown but the photos do not show the real thing. As you can see I densed a bit the brown dottles in order to be balanced with the green ones.


Χαιρετισμοί ο ορθόδοξος αδελφός μου.

Είμαι ευτυχής και μάλιστα που ελληνικά γράφουν στο φόρουμ.
Εγώ είμαι σερβικός d' προέλευση, ζω σε Γαλλία, αλλά μιλώ λίγο η ελληνική γλώσσα.
Θέλησα να σε πω ότι το αεροπλάνο σας είναι θαυμάσιο.
Κοιτάξτε τα παλαιά μηνύματά μου, θα βρείτε ένα σύγχρονο αεροπλάνο στα ελληνικά χρώματα!!!

Τα λέμε σύντομα,
Αλέξανδρος  :cheers :pilot


Γειά σου αδερφέ Αλέξανδρε!

Ευχαριστώ για το σχόλιό σου, ελπίζω να βγει καλό το μοντέλο στο τέλος! Χάρηκα πολύ!

Θέμης :caooo

lord sir giga

Pa govorite SRPSKI da vas ceo svet razume.
Nice  work, and brown on camouflage are OK.
I hawe SMER 1/50 SM-79 RYAF Dekals.

internet je cudo

Поздрави Православни брат.

Ја сам срећан, па чак и пишу на грчком форуму.
Ја сам српског г 'порекла, живи у Француској, али мало говоре грчки.
Хтео сам да вам кажем да је авион дивно.
Поглед на моје старе поруке, наћи ћете модеран авион у грчким бојама!

Видимо се ускоро,

Здраво брат Александар!

Хвала вам на коментар, надам се да оставите добар модел на крају! Био сам веома задовољан!



Guys I am sorry for the Greek, a friend that speaks a bit wrote me in Greek, so I answered him in Greek too! Thank you for the comments! Soon it will be done! :pilot


Quote from: mimithem on 21-11-2009, 20:46:31
Guys I am sorry for the Greek, a friend that speaks a bit wrote me in Greek, so I answered him in Greek too! Thank you for the comments! Soon it will be done! :pilot

Xαιρετισμός Θέμης ,

δεν σε ανησυχεί, δεν κατέχω το ορθογραφία αλλά τακτοποιούμαι.
Θα σταματήσω για να μιλήσω ελληνικά, ειδάλλως θα me κάνω να βροντήσω.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :hahaha :rtfm :lol


Izvinjavam se svim clanovima MK ako sam malo zapoceo pricu sa "Temis"-om (Θέμης ), ali posto mi grcki i ruski mnoooogo zvidzaju kao jezici, onda trudim se da ponekad poguram negde neku rec ( magda i tu gde ne treba) :rtfm :rtfm :rtfm :lol



Finally it's ready my friends (I am a reeeealy slow modeller  :zvizduc). Here are the photos:

I would like to stay in 3-4 points.

  1)The model was generally good without many problems.
  2)The brown dots should be darker, because as you can see they are almost dissapeared.
  3)The Korat Decals were of bad quality and they did not stick on the model very well. As a result the flash is a bit visible.
  4)I experienced some problems with the varnish as I didn't make it to delute it correctly, and what I got was these white spots...

I hear your comments!


O, welcome back ! You've finished it ?!?
Very nice work on the model.
Keep modeling ! ;)


Michael Wittmann   s.SS-Pz.Abt. 101       138 kills
Maketarski Savez Srbije