Hello guys I'm starting this new topic in order to introduce you the progress of my latest build which is a Savoia Marchetti SM.79 of the Yugoslavian Air Force as it was in April 1941. Specifically this is going to be the aircraft that brought King Petar II to my town "Paramythia" on 4th April 1941, the "White 12". The model is this:
A nice Italeri 1/72 model. To say the truth it is not an SM.79 K as JKRV used to own, but with some more work it's gonna be OK.
Here are some photos of the cockpit:
The little problem that I have is that the model needs some conversions that are a bit hard to notice because I don't have any photos from the White 12. except these two:
so if any of you has got photos of this aircraft or any SM.79 of the JKRV please post in order to help me... :god
Hvala veoma...
It appears that www.emioannina.gr doesn't support direct image linking. Could you upload the pictures to photobucket?
Hi Mimithem,
First I have to correct you on the white 12. The latest reserch publised in serbi in August 2009 state that only 4 SM79 escaped to Greece (one of them obviously transported the King). All of them had black numbers (5, 14 and two unknowen numbers). All of them were SM 79 I from series XXI (white 12 was from XXIV). They had following Yugoslav registration numbers: 3702, 3712, 3713 and 3714.
How they were loking you can see on profile:
Further more you have model SM 79 III. The most obvious difference is that 79 I had gondola unther the fuselage, there was no torpedo installations and exsaust pipes were simple pipes (see profile).
Hope this will help.
Hello Anki! Thank you for the help! As for the numbers you can see yourself the photos from Paramythia which show the King disembarking the "White 12". Maybe this is one of the unknown numbers! ;)
About the conversions, the gondola has to be made from zero, the exausts will be cutoff, no torpedo installations and no guns left and right of the fuselage! If you look closely to the second photo you will see it. These are the details that I am looking for and any photos of this aircraft under JKrV colors will help me a lot! Thank you again for your advice... :cheers
Than this could only mean that there were more Yugoslav SM79 on Paramythia but they were destroyed or abandoned there and only these 4 came to Egypt and were used by RAF. Any way that white 12 has Yugoslav number 3728 (small black on fin and fuselage) and it was Italian MM 22055 (this was not wisible anywhere on the plane).
Wow, I really like how you made interior of the model. Is it pre-shading method? Looks great. :bravo
Thanx for the pics. :super
Anki, you are right, because some of the remaining JKRV aircrafts had been destroyed in Greece before they managed to esape to Egypt. Many of them were destroyed in Paramythia within 4-7 April '41. Thank you for the serial number!
Boki, the interior is not with the preshading method but just a wash wit oil colours and a little drybrush and you got this! Thank you for your kind comments!
I will be keeping you updated with my progress! Χαιρετισμούς!
Wow, nice work my friend. Just keep with that tempo. That will be incredible aircraft. Γειά! ;D
Serbian brothers here I go with some photos from the cockpit:
The kit gives decal for the control panel but i prefered to paint it :naughty
Some more photos by the custom-made "gondola". I used an old fuel tank from an airplane as you can see here:
and i cut it down with the help of some designs:
in order to make something like this:
then i used some balsa wood to make the tail of the gondola:
so i reached to this result:
I think it's OK enough but it needs the glass to be ready. The glass will be made from a clear plastic bottle, it's gonna be a bit difficult, but I will give it a try! The two interiors before I got them together:
To be continued! :caooo
Nice build.
But i do have a question about interior colours (Verde anticorrossione) used. I always have this question when someone builds S.79.
The following is taken from Stormo magazine Italian colour guide (it was previously posted on long since deceased Eagle press site):
http://www.stormomagazine.com/RegiaAeronauticaColorsinWWII_3a.htm (http://www.stormomagazine.com/RegiaAeronauticaColorsinWWII_3a.htm)
QuoteAircraft Interiors
Most Italian WW II aircraft interiors were painted in Verde Anticorrosione FS 34272 although many variations in interior colors existed, depending on the paint supplier. On Reggiane fighters for example, interior parts had a more grayish tone (e.g., Re. 2000 and Re.2002 FS 34227) while other aircraft, the shade was slighlty more green, similar to FS 34230.
There are some important exceptions, for example on SIAI multi-engine aircraft, namely the S.79, the interiors of these aircraft were painted in a Grey similar to Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1.
@ TISO: Thank you friend for the advice! Maybe you are right. The only thing that I have to say is that I have found in many books writen for this aircraft that the interior is painted at the color that I used. Anyway, now it's too late to change anything.
One question: Which of the following does match to the JKRV SM.79's:
Sorry for the long time being absent... :zvizduc
first one, on all of them
sample ;)
Thank you Airsuba! :god
After a long time of being absent I am coming back to show you my further progress. I have painted the entire aircraft and I am satisfied with the result, except for the fact that the brown dots are fewer than the green ones. So I am going to paint some more browns. The photos were very quick and the model is just after painting so I have not yet finished:
excellent progress. Looks very nice. Brown could be little darker.
I agree with Gasha. If it's not too late, just spray some darker brown over the brown mottle. :)
Nice project. Very studiously work.
I like Italian camouflage. I am waiting to see how it looks at the end of work.
Sorry, I had to move a whole topic in to a new place on the forum - name "Project in a progress". (Galerije/Projekti u radu/Avioni, helikopteri)
When it will be finished, please, open a new topic in "Finished project - Aircraft" (Galerije/Zavrsene makete/Avioni, helikopteri) and put new photos of Your model there.
Very nice work mate. I like especially details touch up... Just little more brown on camouflage and it will be like real thing :)
Continue with posting pics of work!
Meda :)
Brothers, thank you for your comments! Kerber there is no problem my friend! :super Everyone says that about the brown so I think I will darken it... :headbang Anyway I will keep informing you! :caooo
Be careful, just a " little" more brown. Not to much.
I tried to get the best photo but it does not show the full result. Anyway, this is what I got now:
I think it's OK, as I used a bit darker brown but the photos do not show the real thing. As you can see I densed a bit the brown dottles in order to be balanced with the green ones.
Χαιρετισμοί ο ορθόδοξος αδελφός μου.
Είμαι ευτυχής και μάλιστα που ελληνικά γράφουν στο φόρουμ.
Εγώ είμαι σερβικός d' προέλευση, ζω σε Γαλλία, αλλά μιλώ λίγο η ελληνική γλώσσα.
Θέλησα να σε πω ότι το αεροπλάνο σας είναι θαυμάσιο.
Κοιτάξτε τα παλαιά μηνύματά μου, θα βρείτε ένα σύγχρονο αεροπλάνο στα ελληνικά χρώματα!!!
Τα λέμε σύντομα,
Αλέξανδρος :cheers :pilot
Γειά σου αδερφέ Αλέξανδρε!
Ευχαριστώ για το σχόλιό σου, ελπίζω να βγει καλό το μοντέλο στο τέλος! Χάρηκα πολύ!
Θέμης :caooo
Pa govorite SRPSKI da vas ceo svet razume.
Nice work, and brown on camouflage are OK.
I hawe SMER 1/50 SM-79 RYAF Dekals.
internet je cudo
Поздрави Православни брат.
Ја сам срећан, па чак и пишу на грчком форуму.
Ја сам српског г 'порекла, живи у Француској, али мало говоре грчки.
Хтео сам да вам кажем да је авион дивно.
Поглед на моје старе поруке, наћи ћете модеран авион у грчким бојама!
Видимо се ускоро,
Здраво брат Александар!
Хвала вам на коментар, надам се да оставите добар модел на крају! Био сам веома задовољан!
Guys I am sorry for the Greek, a friend that speaks a bit wrote me in Greek, so I answered him in Greek too! Thank you for the comments! Soon it will be done! :pilot
Quote from: mimithem on 21-11-2009, 20:46:31
Guys I am sorry for the Greek, a friend that speaks a bit wrote me in Greek, so I answered him in Greek too! Thank you for the comments! Soon it will be done! :pilot
Xαιρετισμός Θέμης ,
δεν σε ανησυχεί, δεν κατέχω το ορθογραφία αλλά τακτοποιούμαι.
Θα σταματήσω για να μιλήσω ελληνικά, ειδάλλως θα me κάνω να βροντήσω. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :hahaha :rtfm :lol
Izvinjavam se svim clanovima MK ako sam malo zapoceo pricu sa "Temis"-om (Θέμης ), ali posto mi grcki i ruski mnoooogo zvidzaju kao jezici, onda trudim se da ponekad poguram negde neku rec ( magda i tu gde ne treba) :rtfm :rtfm :rtfm :lol
Finally it's ready my friends (I am a reeeealy slow modeller :zvizduc). Here are the photos:
I would like to stay in 3-4 points.
1)The model was generally good without many problems.
2)The brown dots should be darker, because as you can see they are almost dissapeared.
3)The Korat Decals were of bad quality and they did not stick on the model very well. As a result the flash is a bit visible.
4)I experienced some problems with the varnish as I didn't make it to delute it correctly, and what I got was these white spots...
I hear your comments!
O, welcome back ! You've finished it ?!?
Very nice work on the model.
Keep modeling ! ;)
great work, I realy like it ! :cheers
Joining all here. Looks really great I like it very much.
Ha,ha,ha Themis my friend! It is..... without the words! Good job my friend, good job. :bravo :bravo
Very nice work, especially the underside. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
Misha :)
You done it very, very good.
Great work!
Best regards
Thank you all of you my friends! I'm really glad to find it nice! I would also like to thank you for your help over the camouflage. I will continue sharing my works with you here! Till the next time :caooo :pilot
Exeptional work,I looked all the photos of the model,from the begining and one must say it looks amaizing!Keep up the good work mate! :super :bravo :god
Wow, excellent work, Themis :super .
I really like the underside, and the homemade "gondola" looks great.
Keep up the good work ;) . What's next on the menu? :cheers .