Rackham, Praetorian Guardsman, 28mm

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Pretorijanska garda je bukvalno elita, elite... Najbolja jedinica Grifonaca, i jedna od najsiplativijih uopsteno.

Deacon Tiberius, the faithful protector of Pope Innocent, stood in the shadow of a gigantic statue of a fiery angel of Merin. He relentlessly surveyed the assembly of the Church's prelates gathered in this place. The recent assassination of the head tax collector of Djaran made one fear the worst in these times of heresy... A child discreetly approached the Deacon and handed him a message with all the respect due to a man of his position. Tiberius took the letter, placed his hand on the young messenger's shoulder and gestured him to take leave.

The message was short. Tiberius crumpled the paper in a fit of controlled anger. Velkanos, his old enemy, challenged him in the ruins of Dun Scaith. The Deacon's icy gaze suddenly seemed submerged by a devastating hatred, but he quickly took control of himself. His duty came before everything else...

Sto se bojenja tice, trebalo mi je samo 7-8 sati za obojicu (racunajuci i rad na bazi), ali je zato kvalitet rada na nesto nizem nivou... No, morao sam da zurim, jer su nam stvarno potrebni za subotu...
Nadam se da ce uskoro biti zavrsen i njihov heroj, Deacon Tiberius o kojem je rec u gornjem fluff-u :)


NE znam sto kukas... extra izgleda... To za subotu... za noc muzeja ??? Nadam se da ces i Tiberiusa da odradis na vreme...


Da... za noc muzeja... Imate nesto vise o tome u delu Diorame i Figure, kod Maketa u radu...
Tiberius ce biti kasnije... Nema sanse da ga zavrsim za prekosutra :)