Sofija 15-16 Maj

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Kategorije, mapa i program:

Venue: National Museum of Military History of 92 Cherkovna street, Sofia.

Date and time: May 15 and 16, 2010 (Saturday and Sunday)

1. Arrangement of the exposition - from 09.00 EET on May 15
2. Opening ceremony - 12.00 EET on May 15
3. Judging - from 14.00 EET on May 15
4. Closing the 1st competition day - 17.00 EET on May 15
5. Opening the 2nd competition day - 09.00 EET on May 16
6. Announcement of results - 14.00 EET on May 16

The scale models will be grouped in the followed categories:

Category: "Beginners"

B1: Airplanes 1/48, 1/32, 1/24
B2: Airplanes 1/72, 1/100, 1/144
B3: Military vehicles 1/35, 1/48
B4: Military vehicles 1/72, 1/76
B5: Dioramas
B6: Ships, automobiles, figures, etc.

Category: "Advanced"

C1: Propeller driven aircrafts and Helicopters 1/48, 1/35, 1/32, 1/24
C2: Jet aircrafts 1/48, 1/35, 1/32, 1/24
C3: Propeller driven aircrafts and Helicopters 1/72
C4: Jet aircrafts 1/72
C5: Civil airplanes 1/72 - 1/200
C6: Wheeled military vehicles 1/72 (1/76)
C7: Tracked military vehicles 1/72 (1/76)
C8: Wheeled military vehicles 1/48, 1/35
C9: Tracked military vehicles 1/48, 1/35
C10: Dioramas with military vehicles and/or aviation 1/72, 1/144
C11: Dioramas with military vehicles and/or aviation 1/35, 1/48
C12: Figures up to 60 mm height, Figures over 60 mm height. Busts, all scales
C13: Civil cars, Racing cars, Trucks, Motorcycles
C14: Sailing ships, Vessels, Submarines, Sci-fi, etc.

    1. If there is less then 4 models/participants in category there will not be awarded 2nd and 3rd place.
    2. The using of scratchbuild parts, resin parts or photoetched parts will be taken in consideration in protocols with extra points.
    3. Diorama is 1 padding + 2 or more models + 3 or more figures.
    4. A participants under 18 and first time participant in the competition are allowed to take part in all categories, all others take part only in "Advanced" categories.
    5. Models participated in earlier exhibitions of Club "Scalemodels-BG" can participate in the current one but they will not be evaluated.
    6. All competitors could be awarded only once in each category.
    7. If the participant does not wish to let his model to be touched, the model should be placed on the stand and sticked to it.

Komentari na Grckom forumu i nesto slika...,15112.0.html
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


Bilo je ukupno 68 taknicara i 185 maketa. Osim Bugara bilo je Grka, nas i 2 bugarska Engleza.
Maketarskog buvljaka nije bilo sto je mozda i dobro. (jos se finansiski nsam oporavio od Mosona.)
Svratili smo ipak do jedine maketarske radnje u Sofiji gde je vlasnik dao popust od 20% za nas strance.
Bili smo odlicno ispostovani od strane domacina a vece smo proveli u kafani u cisto balkanskom drustvu.
Cene po Sofiji ... paaaaaaa upola nize nego kod nas, ali nismo bas imali prilike da sopingujemo .

Ukratko - bilo je super.

Avioni (Stuka na kraju reda izabrana za apsolutnog pobednika)

Najjaca diorama...

Najjaca cica ...


Najlepsa pravoslavna crkva - Aleksandar Nevski

Bugarska skupstina

Drustvance u kafani ...

Dare slikovito opisuje Zivanu Saponju Ilic

Dodela nagrada, Grci su bili specijalno interesantni zato sto su se pojavili prvi put.
Nas nisu ni spomenuli.

Toliko od mene, ajde neka jos neko okaci koju sliku ...
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


Vidim bilo je veoma lepo...ja nažalost nisam mogao zbog posla da idem al sam,poslao Slave 1 u kategoriji sci-fi...koliko vidim osvojila je drugo mesto:)


Pa dobro Gaso ja nisam vas?Nemoj da me terate u autonomase ;D


On je stavio na sajtu samo clanove kluba.
Ni ja nisam na listi. ::)
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


molim da se ovo za rileta odmah ispravi  ! i da dobije funkciju u klubu kao kompenzaciju !  ;D


Pa ako je tako postacu i ja drug clan.Da mogu i ja usred bela dana da sednem,narucim,pojedem i popijem.Ima li i clanska karta za rever?


Koliko ja znam nema clanske karte. Mene stavite u prijatelje kluba ili dopisne clanove ...
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish