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Aitna models, 54mm, beli metal, odlican kvalitet
Inace figura je radjena po jednoj fresci iz jedne crkve na Ohrida.

MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


Ovo je bio uzor za proizvodjaca
Crkva svetog Klementa, Ohrid

MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


Odlican je!jako mi se svidja!jel to vizantijski varjag?


MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


WOW fantastic work my friend  8)   I like the "lights" & "shadows" and the general pastel colors' view  ;) ;)  But the "petsoto" (leather armor) is my beloved  :o :o  Personally I think that its color "porfyra" is the most accurate I have seen ever  ;) ;) Congrats --- great work !!!!
P.S. The only thing.....dust + scratch a little bit the shield  ;) ;) looks like new  ;) ;)


Thank you, thank you, thank you...
I think I am learning Greek language a litle bit with you ;D
So "petsoto" is  leather armor and "porfyra" is color?
The shield was last finishing touch and I was lazy to do it...
I will do it, together with a next figure shild...
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


Yeap my friend  ;) 
"Petsi" means "leather" so the leather armor was named "petsoto" = "made in by leather". The other cloth down wear the "petsoto" was named "Katasarkon" = "only over the body flesh" and during the after-byzantine era was renamed to "ypokamiso" like the modern greek language (the word "ypokamiso" cames from latin word "camischia" which means the same thing  ;) )
"Porfyra" was/is a reddish color like blood. It was the royal color of Ioustinianos and only the royal family had the right to "wear" it. They thought that it was the same color like Jesus blood  :o


Thank you for explaining me.
Can you do the same thing for "Kataphractos"?
One Greek in Hungary told me that "Porfyra" is one see animal that gives this color.
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


"Kataphraktos" become from 2 greek words "Kata" + "phraktos"......the word "Kata" means many of all these meanings is "full"; The other word "Phraktos" becomes from the word "Phraktis" = "Hedge" so the word "Kataphraktos" means "Full of hedge --- total armored"  ;) ;)
Yeap he's right....the word "porfyra" becomes from an ancient shell who when gave this reddish color. This shell's name was "porfyra" in ancient greeks so the color took the same name. These shells the ancient greek women used them to colorize theirs cloths


Uh, short but very useful historic lesion.
Every day we can learn more ...
Thanks !


Djole kao i uvek,odlicno uradjeno!

'Уживај младићу за младости своје!'


I tako postade on  car Vizantije Milten I  ;D


Варјази су скандинавци,викинзи,који су у средњем веку,као плаћеници ратовали на страни Византије и Кијева.Касније су се стопили са Русима.Тај ме ратник веома подсећа на њих!


Znam ga je postojao Vikinski kontigent koji se u zapadnoj liteaturi zvao "Varangijan guard". Nisam cuo za Vajzare, ali bih rekao da se radi o istim ljudima zato sto su mi nazivi slicni.
Ako imas neku fotku okaci ovde...
Mislim da ova figura ne predstavlja nekog od njih. Na kutiji pise "Byzantine infantryman 1295". Obicno naglase kada se radi o Varangijskoj gardi.
MK "Narednik Mihajlo Petrovic" Nish


Ево пар слика,нису неке,ал значе....

У сваком случају одређене сличности има...
Мада на овим сликама видимо да су Варјази углавном носили брније...

Фигура ти је стварно одлична!!!