Mošon 2020

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Dobro je da NS nije otkazan, ma do Mošona će to biti sve OK


Za sada nema razloga da NS bude otkazan.


Sveža vest sa Mosonshow FB stranice...

"Dear Our Modeller Friends, Dear Visitors!

As per advice and instruction given by local and state authorities any kind of bigger, including international events are requested to be canceled due to the coronavirus spreading all over the world in the last couple of weeks.

The organizers of Mosonshow, after discussion and aligments together with the local council decided to cancel the XXIVth Mosonshow event (initial date 25-26.04.2020).

The XXIVth Mosonshow will be held in 24-25th April 2021!

The event held in Mosonmagyaróvár is known as a joyful weekend, a good meeting opportunity with old and new friends. This year unfortunately we do not see it would be possible, as many of these good friends, organizers could not join us due to the restricted medical conditions.

Of course there was a possibility to hold the Mosonshow in a different weekend, but due the fact that there are other events already in place we didn't want to cause any inconveniences.

We do not want to postpone the announcement any longer as we would like to reduce and prevent any additional expenses occurred (like flight tickets or accommodation).

We hope that our obligate decision due to current circumstances caused by the virus will be accepted by You.

We are gladly waiting for you next year!

Thank you,

11. March 2020

The organizers of Mosonshow"


A baš nisam mogao da stignem da završim maketu. Tako da - 2021  :deadhorse


Pošto bi se moglo lako desiti, da u Novi Sad pored maketa donesem i one male stvorove, zvane COVID-19, odustajem od putovanja, a toliko sam se radovao. JBG, ipak je Italija jako blizu.
Svima želim, da se maksimalno dobro provedete i da se kući vratite zdravi i čitavi.