T-55A VRS potrebna pomoc

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I am very sorry but I don't know serbian. I am from Poland and I am intersting in modern (post-IIWW) military wehicles in 1:72 scale. The most intersting for me are those ones that were used in the real battle: Israelis, Russians, and SERBIAN of course.
Currently I am working on one project of T-55A used by VRS:
And I hope that many of you can help me with this work

Here is the picture of the macine that I decided to build:

So my questions are as follows:

1. Does anybody have any better picture of that tank?
2. Where that picture was taken and/or where that specific tank was used in action?
3. To which unit it has belongs? Arkan's Tigers? Krajina Forces? I am studying all historical records of that conflict but most of that what is in english is so stupid and ignorant...

Before I spent a lot of time asking arround to find out how it was painted (most likely 3 colour camouflage) and what was painted in red on the mudguard (SRBIJA in cyrylic?)
The painting and decals are according to Bison: http://www.angelfire.com/pro/bison/72008.html
however I think that the size of brown and black bloaches are much bigger they suggests.

Any answers and suggestions are welcome. I would like to put my model into the right historical context.

BTW: Since my (polish) language have the same origins that serbian I am able to understand quite a lot (e.g. I was able to find this forum ;-) ) so feel free to post your comments also in serbian.



This tank belongs to VRS and on the side of the tank is written NEVESINJE on Cyrillic. Nevesinje is the town in Bosnia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevesinje


I'm also building VRS armor and unfortunately, I haven't seen better picture of this tank. However, I  talked to some former VRS soldiers who fought in that NEVESINJE area and who actually had chance to see that tank. They told me that camouflage schema provided by Bison decals is quite OK. Not all the writings on tank were painted there at same time. Red writing on the mudguard was added  after then the main writings NEVESINJE and Serbian eagle, and those guys wern't quite shure what it is ???
Anyway, my point is that you can finish your model without placing red writing and it would still look good and correct (just from the early period of war ;))


Basic paint for that tank was yugoslav standard paint sheme colour, called SMB (Humbroll 102). Motling over that colour, was consist of two colours, chocolate brown,or dark earth and black.Size of overspray fields is freehand, because, in that time forces on the front didn't have any oficial sheme.
For more informations, you can contact Chemical Ali or T-34, gyus from our forum, they are doctors for your problem!



Thanks a lot for all answers. I am very impressed that after few hour I have got a lot of priceless informations!

I did not know that this tank was used in the battle for Nevesinje town. I was thinking that the crew members was from Nevesinje and the tank was used somwhere else. This has completly changed my point of view!

Thanks for info that Bison color scheme is correct. I was not sure about it.
Regarding to JNA green base paint: I have heard Revell SM362 is more accurate than Humbrol. I have bought that one but after seeing zilions of photos it appears to me to be too yellowish. And it was oil paint that I do'nt like too much. I decided to do something that myself: I bought acrylic Tamya XF-25 and added some yellow (XF-3). I obtained something close to mentioned Revell but less yellowish.

I will keep you updated about my project.



Hi people!
Yesterday I finishing the assembling part. Here are some photos:

And there is also the interior:



OMG  :o

Are those photo etched tracks?

I tought it was 1:35 until i saw the match stick (some big coins in poland)


This is far best than 1/35!What will you do whit decals?Do you have some or you gonna do free hand drawings?And where did you find that photo etched parts for T55 in that scale??? :P


Quote from: stefa on 15-11-2008, 22:44:34
This is far best than 1/35!What will you do whit decals?Do you have some or you gonna do free hand drawings?And where did you find that photo etched parts for T55 in that scale??? :P
Thanks, but still... in 1/35 you can do much more I guess.
Regarding decals: I am going to paint it as those one used during the battle of Nevesinje:

There are decals dedicated to this one and many others serbian, croatian etc.. available from bison:

In case of photo etched parts: I used those produced by PART from Poland:
Part P72 114      T-54/T-55      PST
You can buy it here: http://www.jadarhobby.pl/part-p72114-t5455-elfot-p-5545.html

and it is really high quality set. I guess it should be available worldwide.

BTW: I started with some painting. Here are the photos after appliying base paint: mr surfacer 1000:

BTW: If you guys have any comments regarding painting or history ofNevesinje battle please post it here!!



"BTW: If you guys have any comments regarding painting or history ofNevesinje battle please post it here!!

I did not know that this tank was used in the battle for Nevesinje town. I was thinking that the crew members was from Nevesinje and the tank was used somwhere else. This has completly changed my point of view!"

You were right before...there were no actual battle for Nevesinje town itself. Sorry for misunderstanding, maybe I gave you the wrong picture :-\.
Town was held by Serbs from the beginning of war. Nearest frontlines in that area were 10-20km west (north-west, south-west) from Nevesinje town. Therefore, tank was mainly used in combat activities in that area (war-zone). And also, tank crew was most definitely from Nevesinje, since it was very common that the crewmembers were spraying their names, nicknames, hometown names, girlfriend names, etc on their combat vehicles.

Excellent progress on your model  :o....
I'm looking forward to see the rest of it :).   


Quote from: drazen on 17-11-2008, 11:18:58
You were right before...there were no actual battle for Nevesinje town itself. Sorry for misunderstanding, maybe I gave you the wrong picture :-\.
Town was held by Serbs from the beginning of war. Nearest frontlines in that area were 10-20km west (north-west, south-west) from Nevesinje town. Therefore, tank was mainly used in combat activities in that area (war-zone). And also, tank crew was most definitely from Nevesinje, since it was very common that the crewmembers were spraying their names, nicknames, hometown names, girlfriend names, etc on their combat vehicles.

Excellent progress on your model  :o....
I'm looking forward to see the rest of it :).   

thanks a lot! That makes a big change in my concept. I mean for the base (small diorama). I was thinking that the frontline was arround the town causing some damages to the town itself. In by concept the tank was staying on the street near the edge of the building damaged. I was planning to put some crew members resting, loading ammo and drinking some sliviovica ;-). Now I will create a new one, more rural maybe near damaged village house.
I spent many hours trying to find more informations about the battles in that area but without success. About Mostar there was more but mostly pictures but I am not sure how much it was related. I guess the road Mostar-Nevesinje was attacked (?).   
I am very interested to read more about that part of the war. If there are any serbian websites/books please let me know. Knowing polish and russian I am able to read and understand quite a lot from serbian, even if its written cyrylic.

Thanks a lot!


Well, I've conducted some researches about major battles in that part of Herzegovina and here are the results:
Firs important, or if you like to call it fearsome, battle in Nevesinje area, by the number of involved units and equipment was Muslim-Croat offensive against VRS positions, which had started on 8.11.1992. Serbs also called it MITROVDANSKA OFANZIVA (by the Serb Orthodox Saint Patrons day MITROVDAN). Muslims and Croats had prepared significant forces for this offensive: 7 Infantry brigades plus support units, numerous artillery peaces, communication units, armor-mechanized units, etc. In addition, regular Croatian (state of Croatia) elite units had participated as well. Offensive itself lasted for 7 days. Casualties on both sides were high, but ABiH, HVO and HV had suffered heavier losses in manpower and equipment as well as in combat morale for further activities.
Second important or significant battle has happened on November 1994. Between 950 and 1200 ABiH soldiers had infiltrate besides VRS lines where they conducted overall attacks on Command posts, Artillery units, Communication centers and other similar rear military objectives. In addition, those infiltrated ABiH troops had intersected road network from front lines and Nevesinje town. Practically, all VRS units in the region, (majority of 8. Herzegovina motorized brigade), were forced to organized circuit defense, defending themselves from the front and from those terrorist units in their rear. Muslims had engaged many elite units what they had at that time (Wasps, Pigeons, Devils, etc). Fortunately, VRS 8.Hmtbde managed to throw back all attacks with support from additional VRS units from 8.Hmtbde who started their push from Nevesinje towards front line and besieged VRS members and their comrades. Those infiltrated ABiH units were trapped at some point, and their total destruction lasted another tree or four days. 


Where did You get all the metal stuff for this 1:72 T-55?
It must be an "ACE" model which is very bad, so You have my admiration!  :)


Drazen, thanks a lot!!! It is most detailed, concise and accurate description that I ever saw! Now the historical background becomes clear for me. So I will completely change the concept for the diorama! I will ask you again if my concept is OK but first I want to finish this tank.

T34: It is ACE OT-55 kit. I converted it into T-55A. Metal stuff:
1. photo etched parts: I used those produced by PART from Poland:
Part P72 114      T-54/T-55      PST
You can buy it here: http://www.jadarhobby.pl/part-p72114-t5455-elfot-p-5545.html
2. Photo etched tracks from ACE
3. Aluminum barrel from ARMO
4. Some stuff done from scratch using beer cans and different types of aluminum foil and coper wire (most from the garbage bin ;-))
   e.g.: exhaust pipe and cover.
For the scratchbuild plastic parts I used yogurt cups (again: stuff from home's garbage bin)

Thanks a lot for your comments!



Maybe you can find here something about that battle http://www.63padobranska.org/ ,or some of guy's who understand our language and find information for you.On forum you can read true story from real veterans about some bettle at war in EX-Yugoslavia,so I hope so that somebody know story about that T-55 ;)
Mercenaries never die, they just go to hell to regroup!