155 mm ZUZANA A1, scratchbuild 1/30

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MBT - Slovakia

Pozdrav priatelja maketari,
prošlog mesaca ja završio ovu maketu -  novu, modernizovanu 155 mm haubicu ZUZANA A1. Zuzanu koristi naša armija i armija Grčka: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll111/MBT_Slovakia/ZUZANA/http---wwwparlamentnykuriersk-kur13.jpg     (Greek army - to Raw Shooter: Do You know?). 
I moja maketa, ovo je prototip:   http://www.military.cz/slovak/dela/zuzana/zuzana_a1_01.JPG   
Kako svi moji samogradnji, i ova maketa je resin, iz epoksidni smoli.  Ja imam izgatovljeni kalupi i radim si odlivci. I ovde je moja maketa:


I nekake detalji - prednja strana vozila, kupola s protivavionskim mitraljezom NSV 12,7 mm (kak u T-72) i zaključak 155 mm topu:

Još jedanput ZUZANA v puštnoj scheme:



Svaka cast,ovo super izgleda!
Dobro znas srpski  0:)


Svaka cast kolega,zaista impresivno  ;D !

'Уживај младићу за младости своје!'

MBT - Slovakia

Hvala vam na komentare priatelja. I to @ki: da, trudim se, no i tak potrebno mi je rečnik...  :)
Još slike iz radenja:

- pripremani kalupi i završeni odlivci

- završeni odlivci - kupola i top

- zavšeni deovi


SCRATCH BUILT !!!!  :o :o :o :o :o WOW mate !!!! Respect  8) 8)  Zuzana there isn't in greek army's weaponry but it's in Cyprus National Guard army's weaponry; Don't be confused by the national scheme (white cross on blue background) we have the same one (Greeks and Cypriots)  ;) ;) ;) Practically we have same language, we feel brothers each other & we have same defense plans.
Zuzana is been produced by Panzershop (Czech Republic's manufacturer) in scale 1/35 but it costs a small fortune and it isn't a good model....Yours is excellent  ;) ;)

djos & filip

Svaka ti cast, SJAJNO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ovo je samo hobi, ovo je samo hobi, ovo je samo......

MBT - Slovakia

Hi Raw Shooter,
thank you very much. Yes, I know something about Cyprus, the contingent of the Slovak Armed Forces operates there under UN. Also the modern Russian system S-300 is installed on Cyprus. This system is used by Armed Forces in Slovakia and Iˇm very interesting about this one. Iˇll probably design another scratchbuild...
In the attachment you can find the picture of the 155 mm self propelled gun howitzer ZUZANA that is used by Greek Army on Cyprus. Itˇs my scratchbuild. I made this one 5 years ago.
                                                                                                                     Greetings from Slovakia.


Ova je moja maketa haubici ZUZANA, koju koristi slovačka i grčka armija.

I to djos & filip:  Hvala Ti na pohvale.


My friend it's a superb model really; Congratulations one more time  ;) ;) ;) Really have you think it about produced it in mass form ? I think that many modelers around world would be interested about  ;) ;)
Just an information....S-300 now there are in Crete island and we are thinking to up-date them to S-400  ;) ;) 


Fantastičan rad, MBT. Svaka čast.

Baldrick: Don't worry, my Lord, I followed DaVinci's instructions to the letter.
Blackadder: Even if you can't actually read.
Baldrick: That's right, but I have done a lot of Airfix models in my time.


Свака част,Мартине!
Сјајан рад!
Машина је одлична и моћна.

MBT - Slovakia

Quote from: Raw_Shooter on 25-12-2008, 23:00:48
My friend it's a superb model really; Congratulations one more time  ;) ;) ;) Really have you think it about produced it in mass form ? I think that many modelers around world would be interested about  ;) ;)
Just an information....S-300 now there are in Crete island and we are thinking to up-date them to S-400  ;) ;) 

Hi Raw,
thank you for your infomation.  I´am making my scratch builds per order for the various companies. This production is small lot or individual and none massive.

MBT - Slovakia

Hvala vam priatelja, Boki i Tebi , Marko. I pošaljem Ti ovu MMS ponovo. Pozdrav svim.